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How does a BioDiverse diet change the world?

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Locally Grown

Consumed Locally

With over 75 years of experience infood systems, and another 20 years in research

Our team redesigned alternatives to the current model of food consumption and cultivation:


With the use of native species

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+ Quality and Freshness 

+ Development of local rural communities

+ Optimized and regenerative agriculture

Cultivo Local

Hortaliças frescas à sua mesa ;)

Sr. Edgard

Agricultor há 15 anos!

Diego Prospe

Suporte de quem conhece!


Partes alimentícias não convencionais


PANC e Biodiversidade no prato!

Frutas Nativas

Sabores nativos da preservação :)

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Place your order:

(Only for São Carlos / SP) 

know more

Our TEDx on bio.diversity in agriculture

Our blog

Your guide to sustainable eating

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what is it?

To theUnconventional Food Plants they are the diversity of foods on your plate.


Whether it may be native biodiversity or not, they represent a movement of discoveries and rescues of

knowledge and flavors,practices and innovations.

Legume fresco na cesta

Coming soon, subscription plans with PANC for Bio.Various basketssustainable foods


and receive news such as recipes and tips on food and Biodiversity

Subscription for fresh vegetables and PANC

Subscription to ready meals with PANC 

Do you know thatour agriculture model it is more resilient to climate change, regenerates soil quality and even comes with technical advice so you can produce withmore confidence and results?

Register here we will check the feasibility for you to becomea farmer partner, and receive our support to transform your production in a healthier and more sustainable way (Only for the São Carlos / SP Region).


Do you want to be a partner?

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